She doesn’t see her soul shining out of her eyes
She doesn’t
see what those around her see. Mass advertisements brainwashing her mind to perceive
an image that is not real. A world that
is driven by conformity and appearance ideals. As I starred deeply into her
blue eyes, a persistent pain stabbed my heart. Does she know over 40% of Australians
looked in the mirror and felt the same way? Does she know for 25 years I looked
in the mirror and said the same things? And if she knew, would it make any
difference. Chances are it wouldn’t. But I sure as hell wont sit around and let another soul spend 25 years live with self-hatred.
You see, how do you be happy in a biosphere that shapes your
perceptions so delusionary? What if I told you we live in a world that is on
the verge of collapse? Would you deeply understand what I mean, or would your
views, your perceptions interpret it differently? How does a young child express self-love, when
their parents struggle to love themselves? We all grow up influenced by socialisation,
however the trend is now at damaging levels. Girls fade away as they starve the
very elements that keep them alive. And even then, if starving herself created
some form of perfection, she would still find another flaw to so harshly punish. Body’s
filled with chemicals as addictions to numb the pain rises. Yet, there seems to be
very little emphasis on advertising how spectacular our temples really are.
We were not put here to be the same....
Why is she growing up in a world, that does not show her
that it is ok to be confident the way she is. Why is self-love so severely frowned
upon? How does her blue eyes cope with the idea she has to conform to society, judgement and ridicule?
How does her blue eyes learn self-love and to kick-ass on an extraordinary
level, when the world around her tears down empires to make theirs bigger? We
were not put here to be the same. We will never be the same. We will never be
perfect. So why do we spend hours striving for what has brainwashed our
spiritual depths. We were not put here to
feed our egos, or feed the egos of mass corporations. It is during the exploration
of our perceptions, fears, desires and ego that we will find self-love and
My dear blue eyes, as this blog has so vaguely pointed out, the world is messed up.
You will never please everyone. Your ego, your own mind
will try tear you down. But in a world, were everyone else will try tear you
down, why not stand up to your rapid mind and ego? In a world where perceptions
are a mere fantasy, find peace within yourself. My blue-eyed soul, the only
person you will truly venture this life with, is you. Love yourself, learn
self-care. Make yourself incredibly awesome, for regardless of what you think,
the world will learn to adapt around you. Shine my blue-eyed friend, because
your body is your temple to love. Your life is here to live. Let me be your mirror young child......
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